Today Lori of Paper couture and I met to start the official formation of the team and discussed what we have in mind for the team and how to accomplish those goals. It was a great meeting and we came up with a lot of stuff. Lori will be posting what we talked about.
This team is only going to work if we go towards like goals together. I am happy and honored to start this team, and I am unbelievably lucky that all of you understand and want to help me build this dream. We will succeed together, IF we put our minds to it.
So let's stand together, offer each other constructive criticism, and push ourselves as a community and as individuals. We can grow this and grow an amazing craft and arts community in Ventura County.
Thank you everyone,
Heather Tashima
Founder of VC Handcrafted
If you are an Etsy Seller who resides in Ventura County, CA, Please contact Heather at VCHandcrafters@gmail.comto join VCHC!
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